Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saudis: Israel not only malevolent, it's malignant too

It was only a matter of time before this slander against Israel was added to the list. From the good folks who brought you Wahabhism, separate roads for muslims and non-muslims, laws prohibiting women from driving, and, famously, the ban on "Jewish people" entering the Kingdom.

Israeli products are cancerous, Saudis say

Did you know that Israelis ignore their own manufacturing standards when producing goods destined for Arab/Muslim countries. Well, that's what Saudi trade officials are telling their people. They've issued warnings against what they claim to be cancerous products made in Israel that are allegedly being smuggled into the kingdom, according to a report from The Media Line.

The Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry said smugglers are bringing in the products through Djibouti, Yemen and Somalia. The chamber was urging importers and traders to be watchful regarding this merchandise.

The products include pesticides, agricultural fertilizers, children's toys, canned foods, perfumes, cigarettes, juices and candy.

Last month the Saudi Interior Ministry said it had information that smugglers on the coastal areas of the Arabian Peninsula were bringing in illegal and fake products from Israel, China and Taiwan. Many Chinese products sold in North America have been found to be tainted and/or poisonous, including pet food and some children's toys.

Saudi authorities were asking importers to take the necessary steps to stop Israeli products from entering the kingdom.

An unnamed official from the Israeli trade industry told The Media Line that the rumors of carcinogenic products being smuggled from Israel into Saudi Arabia were “improbable.”

“Every so often we see reports of this kind in the Saudi media. I believe it’s part of the Saudi demonization of relations with Israel,” the source said.

Israel’s exports to the kingdom are estimated to be on a fairly small scale, perhaps a few dozen million dollars. These products are usually transferred to Saudi Arabia through third countries where they are repackaged and rebranded.

Israeli products sought after in Saudi Arabia include agricultural products, computer chips, hi-tech, desalination technology, irrigation equipment and security systems.

The Israeli official said the allegation was most unlikely, since Israel’s manufacturing standards would prohibit dangerous materials in any product. “We make sure no products are manufactured that endanger the Israeli consumer so this claim is unfounded,” the source said.


Friday, August 22, 2008

With [peace] partners like these.....

Former Canadian Justice Minister and Liberal MP for Mount Royal (an anglo riding in Montreal) Irwin Cotler says the Palestinian Authority, Israel's erstwhile partner in the "peace process," promotes a culture of incitement against Israel and Jews that is pervasive in academia and the broadcast media. In an article in the Suburban, a well-known weekly newspaper in Montreal's west side (where most of its Jews live), Cotler describes what he saw on a recent visit to Israel and the West Bank, including TV stories stating that Israel was conducting of Nazi-like experiments on Palestinian prisoners.
Cotler also notes that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) is not averse to a little incitement of his own.
The leader of Israel's "peace partner" signed a law providing monthly cash payments to families of suicide bombers on the very day of a suicide attack (Dec. 2005), Cotler notes.
Addressing a crowd of more than 100,000 in January 2007, Abbas said that "the sons of Israel are mentioned in the Koran as those who are corrupting humanity on Earth."
The "moderate" PA prez also sent a congatulatory message to freed Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar, who killed a 4-year old girl (allegedly by bashing her head repeatedly with his rifle butt) and her father, and was released after 29 years in prison in exchange for the return of the bodies of two Israeli soldiers kidnapped by Hezbollah and killed.

ambidextrous racism

Take a look at this, from the Engage site in the U.K. Note: The UCU (Union of Colleges and Universities) is a recent amalgam of two unions of college and university professors. "Activists" in these unions have long tried to implement a boycott of Israeli academics and/or Israeli universities. The Engage web site was set up to combat these activists, who constitute a small minority of the UCU membership but manage to hijack the UCU executive. David Hirsh is one of the founders of Engage, where he recently posted this item:

"Yesterday Jenna Delich, a UCU member, wrote the following message on the activist list in order to support a colleague who was arguing in favour of a boycott of Israeli academics:

In support to your link this may be a long but also an interesting reading:
No comment necessary. The facts are speaking for themselves.

The website to which she links is the website of David Duke, who is a well known right wing antisemite and a former leader of the Klu Klux Klan."

To read more, go here.

To "Jenna": Yes, I agree no comment is necessary. The fact that you link to a KKK-related web site certainly does speak for itself. 'nuff said.

Let's not forget the extreme right

Left-wing antisemitism masquerading as antizionism gets all the attention these days, but good old fashioned extreme right antisemitism isn't going anywhere. Here's a cartoon circulating around white-supremacist/neonazi web sites.

Charming isn't it.

As was noted in this blog entry at Harry's Place, if you remove the kippas and change the Jew to Olmert or any Israeli leader, it also could have been another "criticism of Israel" from the antizionist left as well.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hotel Rwanda -- Western imperialists told to check out

On the topic of Darfur, Rwandan President Paul Kagame is against colonialism, slavery and imperialism. He's also the president of a country recovering from a genocide 14 years ago that killed as many as half a million people. So you might expect that when President Kagame is talking about colonialism, slavery and imperialism in the context of Darfur, he would be levelling those charges at the Sudanese government, and that he wants the Darfur's killers brought to justice. But you would be wrong.

On Thursday, Agence-France-Presse reports, President Kagame levelled those charges not at the Bashir regime in Khartoum but at the International Criminal Court.

Apparently unaware that the ICC prosecuted former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic and is about to do the same to the one-time president of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic, Kagame said the ICC ""has been put in place only for African countries, only for poor countries." Rwanda, he said, "cannot be part of that colonialism, slavery and imperialism.

Kagame was referring to the ICC prosecutor's call for an arrest warrant to be served on Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir on war crimes charges over the conflict in Darfur, where Rwanda has some 2,600 peacekeepers.

I'm thinking that he's worried he might be next, given Rwanda's recent role in the Congo's civil where, where hundreds of thousands are said to have died. Otherwise, it's truly inexplicable.

All Hail Marx/Lenin

A long, otherwise boring article by British Trotskyite John Molyneux includes this incredible quote:

"...from the standpoint of Marxism and international socialism an illiterate, conservative, superstitious Muslim Palestinian peasant who supports Hamas is more progressive than an educated liberal atheist Israeli who supports (even critically) Zionism."

Yikes! Why doesn't he take it to its logical conclusion, go whole hog and add that the Palestinian he's talking about also murdered his sister in an honor killing and had his daughters circumcised. By his logic (or lack thereof), this individual still is more progressive than [anyone who supports Zionism in any way shape or form].

Let's take it beyond its logical conclusion. If this Palestinian peasant managed to travel through time to Mexico 1940, grab an ice pick and murder Leon Trotsky with it, would he still be more progressive than your average Zionist? (Don't answer: it's rhetorical.)

When I first read the quote on another blog, I actually thought it was a critique of Marxism, but no... he thinks this is the way it ought to be. Unbelievable, but unfortunately, all too common these days among "progressive" Lefties. Pity.