Thursday, August 21, 2008

All Hail Marx/Lenin

A long, otherwise boring article by British Trotskyite John Molyneux includes this incredible quote:

"...from the standpoint of Marxism and international socialism an illiterate, conservative, superstitious Muslim Palestinian peasant who supports Hamas is more progressive than an educated liberal atheist Israeli who supports (even critically) Zionism."

Yikes! Why doesn't he take it to its logical conclusion, go whole hog and add that the Palestinian he's talking about also murdered his sister in an honor killing and had his daughters circumcised. By his logic (or lack thereof), this individual still is more progressive than [anyone who supports Zionism in any way shape or form].

Let's take it beyond its logical conclusion. If this Palestinian peasant managed to travel through time to Mexico 1940, grab an ice pick and murder Leon Trotsky with it, would he still be more progressive than your average Zionist? (Don't answer: it's rhetorical.)

When I first read the quote on another blog, I actually thought it was a critique of Marxism, but no... he thinks this is the way it ought to be. Unbelievable, but unfortunately, all too common these days among "progressive" Lefties. Pity.

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