Friday, August 22, 2008

With [peace] partners like these.....

Former Canadian Justice Minister and Liberal MP for Mount Royal (an anglo riding in Montreal) Irwin Cotler says the Palestinian Authority, Israel's erstwhile partner in the "peace process," promotes a culture of incitement against Israel and Jews that is pervasive in academia and the broadcast media. In an article in the Suburban, a well-known weekly newspaper in Montreal's west side (where most of its Jews live), Cotler describes what he saw on a recent visit to Israel and the West Bank, including TV stories stating that Israel was conducting of Nazi-like experiments on Palestinian prisoners.
Cotler also notes that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) is not averse to a little incitement of his own.
The leader of Israel's "peace partner" signed a law providing monthly cash payments to families of suicide bombers on the very day of a suicide attack (Dec. 2005), Cotler notes.
Addressing a crowd of more than 100,000 in January 2007, Abbas said that "the sons of Israel are mentioned in the Koran as those who are corrupting humanity on Earth."
The "moderate" PA prez also sent a congatulatory message to freed Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar, who killed a 4-year old girl (allegedly by bashing her head repeatedly with his rifle butt) and her father, and was released after 29 years in prison in exchange for the return of the bodies of two Israeli soldiers kidnapped by Hezbollah and killed.

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